Since my transition into digital photography, I have always strived for a consistent workflow. Just as with film, all my images needed to have the same consistent look and feel to them. At first, this was quite challenging due to the limitations of the tools that were available to digital photographers, and at the time, most gray cards were made for film. When I started using the Greytag Macbeth ColorChecker card, I saw a 100 percent consistency in the color of my photographs. The only drawback (unless in studio) was the card’s large size. I would often leave it behind or in the car when on location due to its larger size. But then I was left with the painstaking task of trying to color correct and process an entire shoot with no card to go by.
With the latest color management device by x-rite, I now feel a real sense of freedom. I can fit the ColorChecker Passport in my back pocket and not think twice because of its size. And beyond its compact size, this relatively new product changed my workflow even further. Its functionality and control takes us ten steps forward in color management, as it approaches management in an entirely new way – more like a smart card.
From the x-rite web site: “The art of color management is all about getting your colors to match from input to output. That means your camera captures true colors, your monitor displays them accurately, and your printer produces a photo that matches what you see on screen. The ColorChecker Passport is an essential component to attaining a 100% color-managed workflow. Plus, the included Enhancement target helps you take your vision one step further by providing the creativity to quickly and easily edit and express your colors just as you’ve always imagined. Whether it’s a studio shot, a colorful nature scene or a multiple photo event, you can extend the power of your photo editing software with one-click enhancements that articulate your inspiration.”
Instead of my stumbling about trying to explain with the written word (which would consume pages), take a look at this terrific video demonstration by Adobe expert Seth Resnick. This video will explain the uses of the Passport far beyond my writing ever could!
All I can say is WOW! This is truly the ultimate in ease and consistency!